How we produce great headshots
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December 16, 2021

1. The Session (duration : 1 hr +).
The session can take anywhere from 30 minutes upwards, depending on the package. Now, that may seem like a long time, particularly if you think that 30 minutes covers 1 headshot but we want you to feel at ease – since we have lots of time you shouldn’t feel like we’re ever rushing you. We want to give you the opportunity to try different outfits, different accessories etc.
Maybe you should turn a little more to the left or the right, maybe drop that chin or maybe we should add a little more light to your face.
Taking our time, talking through the options, trying stuff out, makes sense. Let’s get it right.
2. Proofing & Upload (2 days)
This is where we go through each image in your session and decide which ones are keepers and which ones to ignore. We upload the keepers to a private, password protected page on our web site and send you the link/password.
3. Selection (Up To You)
Once you have the link and the password, it’s up to you to decide which image will be going forward to editing. You simply review the proofs, pick the image you like best and send us the caption.
4. Editing (up to 3 days)
Once we get your favourite file, we begin editing. Nothing crazy or over the top, but we want to make sure we take care of the little things, like removing stray hairs, softening blemishes, etc.
5. Approval
Once editing is complete, we upload the file back to your page and await your approval. If there’s something you’d like corrected or undone we’re happy to try and accommodate you but please be aware, we only work on faces and hair.
6. Packaging and Invoice
Once you’ve approved the edit we package things up (you get 3 versions of your final image) and we upload all 3 files to your page along with an invoice for you to pay online.
If you still have questions about our process, you may find answers on our Q&A page alternatively you can email us at and we’ll be happy to answer them for you.