Headshots for professionals, models and actors.
Ideal for LinkedIn, Websites, Business Cards, Model and Acting Agencies and more.
Tel : +1 (416) 556 7750 Email : info@bbimagery.com
Unit 205, 5230 South Service Road, Burlington

No pressure
Very relaxed sessions.We take our time, we don’t rush you and we give you what you’re looking for.

Outfits & More
Different blouse, different jacket, with and without glasses? You have the time to create that perfect look.

Outfits & More
Different blouse, different jacket, with and without glasses? You have the time to create that perfect look.

We edit your images. Soften wrinkles, remove fly-away hairs etc. Nothing over-the-top, but a little bit of polish.
No pressure
Our clients will tell you how comfortable and relaxed our sessions are. We take our time, we don’t rush you and we give you what you’re looking for.
Outfits & More
Same blouse different jacket? Swap ties? Try with and without glasses? With us you have time to try so many different combinations to create that perfect look.
We also edit your selected images. Soften wrinkles, lighten dark circles, remove fly-away hairs. Nothing over-the-top, but a little bit of polish to make things spectacular.
We have packages for business professional, actors and models, we work with you to deliver what you need.
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